MS Office Archive


How to format Excel document using Cell Style, Theme and Direct formatting

We need to apply different types of formatting in the excel cell to make any excel document more meaningful and attractive for the reader. We can apply formatting in any excel document by three ways. These are Cell Styles, Theme and direct formatting. The most commonly used formatting way is direct formatting.


How to calculate Square Root and Square Root PI in Excel

One of the most useful feature of Excel is built-in excel function. We can perform different types of mathematical operations very easily in the worksheet by applying different excel functions as formula. The built-in functions of excel are used to calculate any general arithmetic operation and complex mathematical operation. Excel user don’t


How to make a drop down list in Excel 

Excel user entries different types of data such as, number, text, date etc. in the cell of a spreadsheet based on the document’s requirement. Normally data are inserted in the cell like text box and user can type any type of data there. But if it is require to restrict the value


How to place video inside a spreadsheet

Excel is one of the most popular application which is mainly used to store data in tabular form using spreadsheet. Various types of data can be stored in spreadsheet. Excel users not only use spreadsheet to insert number, text or date types of data but they can also insert different types of


How to use formula in word table

We know that Excel is one of the popular applications to do different types of numerical calculation. But if you are not familiar with Excel or don’t like to use Excel and want to do some simple mathematical calculation on table data in word then it is possible to do. You don’t


How to design table by applying different format and style

Table design is very important part for any document. In MS word, you can easily organize your tabular data of the document by adding table. You can apply different type of style format in the table to change the looks of your table and make it more readable and attractive. If you