What is Freelancing and how to Make Money with Freelancing?
Freelancer or Freelance Worker: “Freelancers are those self-employed people who have the freedom to choose their projects and companies for job without any long-term commitment to any one employer or…
What is Search Engine and How it Works?
Search Engine: A program (software system) or a web-based tool that is used to search the documents (information) by using the keywords on World Wide Web (www) is called search…
What is Content Management System (CMS)? Introduction to WordPress as a CMS
Content Management System (CMS): A system or a web application that is used to upload, edit, control and manage the content (data) of a website without technical training is called…
What is Web Hosting and its Different Types?
Web hosting: A service that allows the users (organizations / individuals) to publish the websites on internet is called web hosting. Any person or company having its own server and…
Introduction of Web Browser, Web Browsing, Web Page, Web Server and a Website
Web Browser & Web Browsing: Searching information on the World Wide Web is known as Web Browsing. A software known as Web browser is used to search and view web…
Introduction of Domain Name, Domain Name System (DNS), IP Address, World Wide Web (www) and Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Domain Name: A unique name that identifies a website is called domain name. Each website has a domain name which is used to access the website. For example www.tipsandarticles.com is…